Ride Share – Best Alternative For Daily Commute

Conventional taxis have for the longest time been the most convenient mode of commuting from place to place when you do not have the time to wait for the bus or train. Ride-sharing apps like Lyft have revolutionized how commuters reach their destinations. The apps are designed to match driver services with potential passengers. The apps have become very popular across the globe because of the convenience they offer. There are so many advantages of these apps which is probably why they have become this popular.

1. Unlike the conventional taxis, the ridesharing apps do not have a limitation when it comes to hot spots. You can use the services wherever you are at whatever time as long as there are willing drivers and internet connection. You can get to enjoy a ride even in areas where it would be difficult to find a taxi for your convenience.

2. The apps offer the freedom to choose the driver you feel is most suitable. When you input your details on the apps, you get a list of all available drivers near you. You then decide the car you wish to ride in making you a little more comfortable.

3. Some of the apps also give you the ability to track progress of the ride as you wait. This is a feature that has eliminated situations where you wait endlessly not knowing exactly where the driver is.

4. The ridesharing apps make very reliable alternatives to taxis as far as the rates are concerned. There are taxi drivers that either refuse to meter or they end up overcharging and this has been a common complaint among customers. Such issues and those to do with meter tampering have been eliminated by rideshares. Apart from relatively affordable charges for the rides, you can actually use estimators to calculate the best ride prices available so you get a ride that you can afford even before you book your ride.

5. They apps are a great source of income for side drivers. If you want an extra income, you can avail yourself as a driver in your preferred locality using the apps. For your convenience, you can actually choose to offer rides along the routes that you will be using when running your errands so you make money and get your tasks for the day completed conveniently.

6. They make it possible for you to cut on travel costs through sharing rides with other commuters along your route. This is probably one of the best features of the ridesharing apps. By sacrificing your ride comfort and sharing with a few other passengers along your route, you get to share the charges making the rides very cheap.

Ridesharing app services are meeting very stiff resistance from conventional taxi services, but with more drivers now joining in, commuter convenience is bound to get even better. More ridesharing app companies are also being established every other day, hence the rates are expected to go even lower.


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